Hia is an independent and multidisciplicnary artist working with creation as a catalyst for momentive change
They embody a vision that roots into collective service.
Their coaching style embraces fluidity and honesty within the context of rebellion.
What are the codes you wove from fear? Where is your resiliance to fear located?
Do you engage with your dreams?
What is the language of the soul?
Embracing their spiritual gifts, Hia harnesses the power of channeling, self-inquiry, and deep conversations with nature and resistance.
This unique journey led to the creation of Elm —a collective for artists committed to shaping a future rooted in sustainable revolution.
we embrace the metaphor of a tree, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all beings.
Every tree stands tall and powerful, yet it thrives through a vast network of roots that intertwine beneath the surface.
This is the essence of our community—a dynamic ecosystem where each individual contributes to the collective strength, fostering a nourishing environment for growth.
my art